
Are you even a Moses?

What good are you

If you abandon your scepter of probity?

With what will you swallow the corrupt

Snakes that feast on our yams?

How do you intend to part the Red Sea? ehn!!?


What good are you  

If water dries up

From the rocks of our economy

And you cannot bring forth prosperity?


What good are you

If you surround yourself with “lots” and Judases 

Who rape our future 

on the altar of politics,

sell integrity for few pieces of Silver;

and give up decorum for brown envelops? 


What good are you

If you keep going back to Egypt

With the swiftness of Hermes

to calumniate us

Instead of singing our encomium?


How will we get to the Promised Land 

If you keep going back to Egypt, 

Bowing down to every Pharaoh? 


Are you even a Moses? 

Or an Ajala masquerading as a Moses?



Ajala was a Nigerian globe-trotter, and freelance journalist who visited nearly hundred countries within 6 years.